You are here: POS Terminal Settings > Copy Settings from POS #

Copy Settings from POS #

This button allows you to select settings from a POS Terminal and copy them all to another.

Generally this would be used only when you are adding a new terminal to the database.


This does not just copy the POS Terminal settings, it will copy everything. Be aware that any settings on the other terminal will be overwritten.


By default, only the Admin User has access to this function, but access can be granted to other Users via User Permissions.


Select the POS Terminal you want to copy the settings from and press the button.

The number displayed on the button will display the POS Terminal you have selected to copy from.



A window will open where you can enter the POS Code of the terminal you will overwrite.



If you don’t know what the POS Code is, press the ‘>’ button to select the POS Terminal from a list.



A warning will display where you need to confirm the settings will be copied.



A confirmation will display to confirm the settings were changed successfully.